
District union joins campaign for worker rights
by Slarty

The District union has joined in the fight to gain further rights for workers......

Local cat breaks in to drug den, consumes whole supply then tries to fight a braxon
by Korp

Local cat Henry Cuddleton escaped his owner earlier this week and went on quite an adventure.....

Teeko passes legislation for roadway improvement
by Boiz

Legislative Bitabranch leader Teeko passed new legislation today to improve roadway access to local pubs. "Access to pubs is the right of the people" says Teeko.

by slane
There cannot be anyone in Newtopia who is as forgetful as Ram. He manages to forget his Newtopitizen ID card EVERY single day!! If this isn’t a case for retina scanning, I don’t know what is. We check in with Ram to hear why he’s so absent-minded and what’s going through the mind of Newtopia’s most cryptic brain

“As one of the Terminal’s workers, I have a lot of very important things to think about, every day. But sometimes my mind starts wondering outside my own department. Are we doing enough, as a society? Could we be doing more? Are we helping each other enough? Are we a good force for the Biosphere? Why are cat’s little toe beans so gosh darn cute? And before I know it, I get all the way to my work station pod and I realise I’ve forgotten my ID again. So begin my daily search, and Start by walking through the door and into The Locker Room. I then walk right and through the door into the Garden Simulation to help clear my mind. I come through into Reception to make sure it’s not in there, and I have a quick chat with Cookie on the front desk. She’s lovely. Then I remember that I’m looking for my ID again so I go through the door to have a look in the Presentation Screen room. I hate giving presentations and I avoid them like the plague so of course it’s not in there. I take a leisurely stroll over the bridge and into the Lunch Room to look, and to grab an Expedition energy bar from the vending machine, passing back through Reception to share half with Cookie, and then finally I check the Airlock to the Forest, where I always manage to leave it. Of course it’s in there. I really must stop leaving it there - anyone could grab it and head out to the Forest - which would be terrible - it is Where We Shouldn’t Go, after all!”

 If you’re interested in the route that Ram took, we ran an article about the new layout of The Terminal, with fascinating plans of one of the areas in the building for you budding architects. Check it out here.

District Scientists cross an apple with a banana
by Albertos

The District's top scientists have finally completed the complex procedure of crossing an apple with a banana. Miracle of science or tasty snack. You decide.

Newtopian of the Month
by Korp
Focus on…. Bit!
Who are you? I’m Bit, the one of the Guildians for this guild. I love my daily tasks, and I love being a guide for those navigating their way around the biosphere!
Favourite food: Fruit, mangos, melons, I love anything from nature!
Favourite person: My manager, Eros, is probably going to read this so I’d have to say it was her!
Gamers protest the new virtually in new online MMO.
by slane

The new MMO video game Clash of Swords has seen the worlds first virtual protest. Thousands of protesters turned out in one of the main cities to protest the latest game update where characters were now allowed to invade rival cities. 

One participant notes "We use these cities as  a safe haven from the trials of the world around us now this isn't even safe".

The protest started off peaceful, but eventually a rival faction raided the city and the game developers had to put a stop to the conflict.

Where are all the farms?
by Slarty

Traditionally farmers would own large amounts of land that they would use to raise the animals or crops, which would then be processed in large factories before being delivered to the consumers. Today however we all live in tight busy cities. There is no room to have these large farms here and yet we still have access to fresh meat and vegetables, so where does it all come from?

We've all seen the classic sci fi movies that inspired today's architecture and they look great, but practicality was not taken into account. This is the problem that I as a reporter wanted an answer to,  so I started my investigation by speaking to the food courts to see where they sourced their food. They all had the same response. The government. I followed up by requesting a meeting with the government representatives, but they refused to answer any questions on the subject. 


Communication between Guild Cities
by Colpz

Our delicately balanced Bioverse is held together by the different Guild Cities working together, yet separately on their own tasks, but while the majority of us can live safely in our own Cities, there are some of us required to keep communications open and transfer data between Protopia, Newtopia, Megatopolis and Hypertopolis. Diplopacks are specially trained to travel from each city’s Terminal to others, carrying data, and passing safely over Where We Don’t Go.

Without Diplopacks, our symbiotic relationship with the other Guilds could not survive. This Thursday is Diplopack appreciate day, where we celebrate their work, and the Bioverse itself. Bioverse News will be taking part in a celebratory parade stretching down Main Street. Why not come along?
Pizza restaurant joins the National Pizza Association.
by Slarty

The pizza place Newtoppingia Pizza has been the lastest pizza restaurant to join the National Pizza Association. This is the new online database set up by the Blartz movement to streamline the pizza order experience. You will no longer have to provide the company with your long list of personal details. Just give them your order and name, they will confirm your address from the online database and your order is made! Simple as that. 

Check out to make your order.

Celebrity Rabil Pixelblort reveals all in his first interview since his exorcism.
by Korp

Rabil famously went on a binge last year where they consumed large amounts of magic hex-shrooms before crashing his car into the Tracies Parade, disrupting the event for thousands of onlookers. During questioning they claimed they were posessed and was not in control of their actions. Professionals at the time assumed it was the shrooms talking, but a local church priest confirmed presence of an evil force in Rabil and performed one of the only recent exorcisms in recent history. Rabil was so thankful they made a large donation to the church shortly after.

Rabil will give their uncensored version of events larger today in an exclusive interview.

Harold the talking stapler achieves his degree
by slane

Harold the stapler that first gained sentience a few years ago has just achieved his first degree in Thermodynamics giving your parents yet another reason to be disappointed in you. Thanks Harold!

Newtopia, who keeps things running?
by Korp
Here in Newtopia, everything runs so smoothly, just like clockwork. It feels like it’s always run like this. But things haven’t always been this organised!
Back before the biosphere was formed, society was divided, and was run by ‘councils’ of individuals, all pulling in different directions, all with their own agendas. There were greedy people, who had too much, and still took more, and there were people who had nothing.
But when the cities fell, and the climate changed, people had to pull together. Those from the cities who had provisions gave them to those who had other supplies, and they met with one another once every year on a ‘Hike’, to learn more about each other and how to help rebuild society.
Thus the ‘Guilds’ were formed from these cities; micro hubs of infrastructure where everyone does their daily tasks to contribute to society, and has all they need. Each colour coded and each living apart from one another to keep the biosphere running for the good of all.

Within the guild we have groups, and each group of 4-7 newtopians are handled by a ‘Guildian’ - an officiate for the guild who interacts with the Diplopacks to make sure all groups and guilds are living harmoniously together!!

Newtopian of the month
Focus on…. Bit!
Who are you? I’m Bit, the one of the Guildians for this guild. I love my daily tasks, and I love being a guide for those navigating their way around the biosphere!
Favourite food: Fruit, mangos, melons, I love anything from nature!
Favourite person: My manager, Eros, is probably going to read this so I’d have to say it was her!
Favourite Animal: I love chickens, so cute!